Y llynedd, dwy o’r Ymrwymiadau a wnaethom fel Bro Tysilio fel rhan o’r proses Hanes, Gwerthoedd, Gweledigaeth oedd i dyfu mewn cymdeithas ac i weddïo a dysgu gyda'n gilydd.
Ar y pryd, buom yn siarad am sut mae eglwysi o amgylch yr Eglwys gyfan yn defnyddio Grwpiau Cartref fel ffordd syml o wneud hynny. Mae’n bleser gen i rannu bod gennym ni bedwar grŵp yn barod i ddechrau tua diwedd y mis! Diolch i'r rhai sydd wedi cynnig eu cynnal!
Fodd bynnag, efallai y bydd Grwpiau Cartref yn newydd i rai ohonom. Efallai bod eraill ohonom wedi bod ynddynt o'r blaen. Mae'r grwpiau'n anffurfiol; tra bydd deunydd i helpu’r drafodaeth, mae’n seiliedig ar rannu bywyd gyda’n gilydd, sy’n golygu bod amser i sgwrsio a gweddïo.
Mae'r amseroedd a lleoliadau'r grwpiau isod. Byddai croeso i chi ymuno pa un bynnag oedd yn addas i chi.
Os hoffech ymuno ag un, neu i ddarganfod mwy, cysylltwch â Richard (richard@brotysilio.church | 01248 717073 | 07572 776225).
Last year, two of the Commitments which we made as Bro Tysilio as part of the Stories, Values, Vision process were to growing in fellowship and to praying and learning together.
At the time, we talked about how Home Groups are used by churches around the whole Church as a simple, but effective, way of doing that. I’m delighted to share that we have four groups ready to start towards the end of the month! Thanks to those who have offered to host them!
However, Home Groups might be new to some of us—while others of us might have been in them before. The groups are informal; while there will be material to help aid the discussion part of the time, it is all based around sharing life together, meaning that there’s time to chat and pray.
The times an locations of the groups are below. You would be welcome to join whichever suited you.
If you would like to join one, or simply to find out more, contact Richard (richard@brotysilio.church | 01248 717073 | 07572 776225).